PhD, Fout Group
Research: The synthesis of new iron catalysts bearing a “CCC” ligand
Future: I will be working for Dow Chemical in Lake Jackson, Texas
Activities: Department of Chemistry Graduate Student Advisory Committee (DCGSAC), Women Chemists Committee (WCC), Student Wellness Coalition (SWC), Illinois Consulting Group (ICG), and the Diversity Committee
You are an Illinois PhD alum! It’s almost unbelievable, the journey has been tough but rewarding. This degree reflects the generational sacrifice of an immigrant family to pursue a better quality of life. Now, I have the honor to be the first member of my family to graduate college and obtain a graduate degree.
Secret to success: A great support system both professional and personal. My advisor, lab mates, friends, my wife, and my family, were all key to this accomplishment.
Advice to graduate students? Progress happens at different rates for everyone. Some weeks are slow, sometimes a single result will need a year of follow-up, it all varies so be prepared.
Why Chemistry at Illinois? Great people, great research, great location. My recruitment visit as a prospective student convinced me that this was the right place for me. Having family roots in Chicago also helped.
PhD highlights? The throve of experiences available: participating in student organizations, planning events, advocating for progress, professional development, internships, and a nice welcoming town.